The Death of General Wolfe |
He also brought with him approximately 600
Indians and 600 Canadians. This force traveled south via Bateaux, and then
marched to the steps of Fort Lydius. However, after reaching Fort Lydius,
Dieskau was forced to change his plans of attack because the Iroquois he had
with him refused to attack the fort. Instead, he agreed to march on to the
south shore of Lake Saint Sacrament (Lake George) and attack the force of
men under the Sir William Johnson.
The French force marched some leagues when it
became apparent that an English detachment was marching towards them on the
road. Dieskau immediately set forth a plan. He sent the Canadians and
Indians to hide in the woods on each side of the road while he and the
French regiments would stand in their ranks on the road. When the English
marched before them and began the engagement, the Indians and Canadians
would begin firing, and the entrapped English would be defeated. Whether
Dieskau had learned this tactic from the reports of the Duquesne affair, or
he had some council from an Indian or Canadian we do not know. It was,
however a remarkable plan based on the rigid adherence of most French and
English commanders to military habit even in the unfamiliar, and obviously
different American frontiers. The plan almost worked.
Before the English were totally encircled, however,
the story goes, an Indian recognized other Iroquois with the English party
and let out a warning. It was considered sacrilege for Iroquois to kill
Iroquois, so this story is believable. But the warning did not entirely save
the English. As soon as the warning went out, and the French realized what
was happening, the firing commenced. According to Dieskau, the English line
"went down like a stack of cards". For some time it seemed to be
Braddock all over again. The English, realizing that they were being
decimated began a fairly disorderly retreat.
The French made chase all the way to the English
camp at the base of the lake. Here the English put up their defenses. Behind
a hastily constructed wall of wood, carts, and other rudiments the English
began to return fire with their guns, and cannon. Seeing that the English
were well entrenched, the Indians and Canadians faded into the woods and
almost out of the fighting. But Dieskau did not retreat. The French forces
continued fighting with the sporadic help of the Canadians (who, more used
to the Indian style of fighting, must have considered attacking an enemy in
the open pure suicide). But now it was the English turn for victory. Dieskau
was shot, and his troops began to fall into disarray.
The Baron de Dieskau, hours after his first victory
in Canada was captured by the English, and now leaderless, and failing
miserably, the French were forced to retreat. They returned to Fort
Frontenac tired, haggard, and not having eaten for several days. This was
the last battle for either side in that theatre for
1755. However, the English still had one huge
victory that year, and that was in Acadia.
As 1756 dawned, preparations were being made for
battles throughout the American frontier. The English were planning an enormous
move up the Lake George/Lake Champlain corridor. The French, with the loss
of the Baron de Dieskau, was without a commander of forces in New France -
but that was soon to change.
And still the official declaration of war had yet
to be announced.
The first major move of the year was conducted by
the French. Although it had yet to play an important part in the war, the
three forts at Oswego continued to be a thorn in the side of the French. If
manned properly, these forts would be a serious threat to the traffic of men
and boats heading west, and the threat to forts Duquesne and Niagara were
more than a passing fancy. The Governour of Canada, Vaudreuil had long
recognized this threat. When Dieskau was forced to abandon his attack on
Oswego and recalled his troops for the defense of Fort St. Frederic, and the
Lake Champlain area, the Governour did not lay aside these plans, but only
waited for the proper moment to set them in motion. This time came in March
of 1756.
The first portion of the attack was not, in fact,
directed at the forts at Oswego at all. Rather, Vaudreuil focused on the two
small forts in Central New York called Fort Bull and Fort Williams. These
forts stood along Wood creek in what is known as the Oneida Carry. A Carry
was a place where portage was made between disconnected rivers. Often a
small "fort" would be built in these places to 1) Protect the
carry, and 2) to store goods for future travellers to carry onward.
The Oneida Carry stood between the Mohawk river
(from which travelers would come from Albany and other points east) and Wood
Creek (Which lead into Oneida Lake, and thence onto the Oswego River and to
Oswego). To attack these places, Vaudreuil intended to delay the addition of
men and supplies to Oswego, and thus make the attack on Oswego easier. To
lead this force Vaudreuil chose one of his Canadian Lieutenants: the
Chaussegros de Lery. de Lery gathered about him a total of 362 men,
including 103 Indians, 8 officers from Louisbourg, and 251 soldiers taken
from the Canadian ranks as well as the French regiments of La Reine,
Guyenne, and Bearn. The Regiment of Languedoc was not included as they had
been at winter quarters at Chambly, and the river was still unpassable.
After a long march with many delays, de Lery's
force reached Fort Bull on 27 March 1756. After a short battle, de Lery was
able to defeat the English. Entering the fort, his men gathered together all
the armaments and tossed them into the swampy river where they were sure
never to be found, or used against the French again. The fort was then
burned to the ground. de Lery then began to march towards Fort Williams, but
with the amount of prisoners he had, and when the Indians abandoned him, he
was forced to return to Canada.
According to de Lery's records, the English losses
were 105, and his own being 1 soldier and 2 Indians killed.
A small monument now stands near the former spot
where Fort Bull once stood (in current Rome, NY), although the area is
continuously being built over by shopping strips and new housing. It is my
prediction that it will not be long before the site of Fort bull is
completely lost much as Fort Edward (at current Fort Edward, NY) is. In a
recent trip to Fort Edward it pained me to see that the town has grown over
the former fort itself, with the few remaining signs being only a mound or
two from the entrenchments and moat running through the backyards of several
houses. Current work is going on at Rogers Island (across the river from
Fort Edward) to save some of the remains (already picked over fairly well by
"amateur archeologists").
The war between England and France, though at an
end on the continent of America, was still continued among the West India
islands, France in this case also being the loser. Martinique, Grenada, St.
Lucia, St. Vincent's,--every island, in fact, which France possessed among
the Caribbees,--passed into the hands of the English. Besides which, being
at the same time at war with Spain, England took possession of Havana, the
key to the whole trade of the Gulf of Mexico.
In November, 1763, a treaty of peace was signed at
Paris, which led to further changes, all being favorable to Britain; whilst
Martinique, Guadeloupe, and St. Lucia were restored to France, England took
possession of St. Vincent's, Dominica, and Tobago islands, which had
hitherto been considered neutral. By the same treaty all the vast territory
east of the Mississippi, from its source to the Gulf of Mexico, with the
exception of the island of New Orleans, was yielded up to the British; and
Spain, in return for Havana, ceded her possession of Florida. Thus, was
vested in the British crown, as far as the consent of rival European
claimants could give it, the sovereignty of the whole eastern half of North
America, from the Gulf of Mexico to Hudson's Bay and the Polar Ocean. By the
same treaty the navigation of the Mississippi was free to both nations.
France at the same time gave to Spain, as a compensation for her losses in
the war, all Louisiana west of the Mississippi,
which contained at that time about ten thousand inhabitants, to whom this
transfer was very unsatisfactory. ..
The conquest of Canada and the subjection of the
Eastern Indians giving security to the colonists of Maine, that province
began to expand and flourish. The counties of Cumberland and Lincoln were
added to the former single county of York, and settlers began to occupy the
lower Kennebec and to extend themselves along the coast towards the
Penobscot. Nor was this northern expansion confined alone to Maine; settlers
began to occupy both sides of the upper Connecticut, and to advance into new
regions beyond the Green Mountains towards Lake Champlain, a beautiful and
fertile country which had first become known to the colonists in the late
war. Homes were growing up in Vermont. In the same manner population
extended westward beyond the Alleghenies as soon as the Indian disturbances
were allayed in that direction. The go-ahead principle was ever active in
British America. The population of Georgia was beginning to increase
greatly, and in 1763 the first newspaper of that colony was published,
called the "Georgia Gazette." A vital principle was operating also
in the new province of East Florida, now that she ranked among the British
possessions. In ten years more was done for the colony than had been done
through the whole period of the Spanish occupation. A colony of Greeks
settled about this time on the inlet still known as New Smyrna; and a body
of settlers from the banks of the Roanoke planted themselves in West
Florida, near Baton Rouge.
Nor was this increase confined to the newer
provinces: the older ones progressed in the same degree. This is sometimes
referred to as the golden age of Virginia, Maryland, and South Carolina,
which were increasing in population and productions at a rate unknown before
or since. In the North, leisure was found for the cultivation of literature,
art, and social refinement. The six colonial colleges were crowded with
students; a medical college was established in Pennsylvania, the first in
the colonies; and West and Copley, both born in the same year,--the one in
New York, the other in Boston,--proved that genius was native to the New
World, though the Old afforded richer patronage. Besides all this, the late
wars and the growing difficulties with the mother-country had called forth
and trained able commanders for the field, and sagacious intellects for the
control of the great events which were at hand.
A vast amount of debt, as is always the case with
war, was the result of the late contests in America. With peace, the costs
of the struggle began to be reckoned. The colonies had lost, by disease or
the sword, above thirty thousand men; and their debt amounted to about four
million pounds, Massachusetts alone having been reimbursed by Parliament.
The popular power had, however, grown in various ways; the colonial
Assemblies had resisted the claims of the royal and proprietary governors to
the management and irresponsible expenditure of the large sums which were
raised for the war, and thus the executive influence became transferred in
considerable degree from the governors to the colonial Assemblies. Another
and still more dangerous result was the martial spirit which had sprung up,
and the discovery of the powerful means which the colonists held in their
hands for settling any disputed points of authority and right with the
mother-country. The colonies had of late been a military college to her
citizens, in which, though they had performed the hardest service and had
been extremely offended and annoyed by the superiority assumed by the
British officers and their own subordination, yet they had been well
trained, and had learned their own power and resources. The conquest of New
France, in great measure, cost England her colonies.
Recommended readings: (Click on the link to purchase)
Title: War in the Woods : The Day the United States Began : July 9, 1755 || Author: Tottle || ISDN: 0-93711-706-4 || Released: December 1991 | |
Amazing just how much American History is not taught in schools. Right from the start, this book is a real page-turner. The story of Washington's and Braddock's adventures in the wilderness is truly exciting. I was so fascinated by the vivid descriptions of Braddock's Road and the battlefield that on my last vacation I visited Fort Wills (Cumberland, MD.) and followed Braddock's Road all the way to the Pittsburgh area battlefield. This is the first book I ever read about the French and Indian War. I found it so powerful that I have read at least six other books regarding this much forgotten war. |
Title: Crucible of War : The Seven Years' War and the Fate of Empire in British North America, 1754-1766 || Author: Anderson || ISDN: 0-37540-642-5 || Released: February 2000 | |
Anderson's thesis is that the war's progression "set in motion the forces that created a hollow British empire" with problems that could not be solved by decisions made in London. Understanding this makes our understanding of the origins of the American Revolution more complete. This book is a must read for anyone seriously interested in pre-revolutionary America. |
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