Time Line of the
Life of Patrick Henry

Although Patrick Henry was baptized into the Church of England, he often attended Presbyterian services with his mother.  The dramatic preaching of Samuel Davies and other ministers associated with the evangelical movement known as the Great Awakening was significant influence on Patrick Henry’s oratory.


Patrick Henry

Patrick Henry 1736 - 1799


Recommended readings: (Click on the link to purchase)

A Son of Thunder: Patrick Henry and the American Republic Title: A Son of Thunder: Patrick Henry and the American Republic || Author: Henry Mayer || ISDN: 0-80213-815-2 || Released: February 1992
While Henry Mayer exaggerates the extent to which Patrick Henry was a democrat, he certainly does a brilliant job in portraying the key figure in Virginia politics from the decade before the Revolution to through ratification of the constitution. This book should be on the shelf of everyone interested in the period in which Henry lived.   This is not the sole extensive biography of Henry, but the other book that fits that description -- a three-volume work, including a volume of Henry's surviving letters, by Henry's grandson -- is over a century old. 
A Son of Thunder: Patrick Henry and the American Republic Title: Give Me Liberty: The Uncompromising Statesmanship of Patrick Henry || Author: David J Vaughn|| ISDN: 1-888-95222-9 || Released: February 1997
    "I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" These compelling words from a speech delivered by Patrick Henry in 1775 at the second Virginia Convention embody the spirit of American courage and patriotism. The speeches of the 'orator of liberty' fueled the fire of the struggle for American Independence. This insightful look at one of our country's most colorful and verbal forefathers will deepen every readers' appreciation for the leaders in our past and strengthen their understanding that, even today, freedom isn't free.

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